Nutmeg and Binky's Stuffed Animal Adoption Agency Logo

October 2024: We are taking a break to focus on some other aspects of life for a bit, and we're not accepting orders or checking email right now. We'll post an update when we're back! -N & B

Animal Welfare

In addition to finding homes for all of our plushie friends, we are committed to donating a portion of each adoption fee and passport fee to organizations that help animals of the non-stuffed variety. Currently, we are supporting:

The International Fund for Animal Welfare

IFAW has been around for over 50 years, and has participated in and spearheaded a wide range of different projects. They've successfully advocated for new and improved conservation policies, fought back against wildlife crime, and mounted localized wildlife and domestic animal rescue and rehabilitation missions all over the world. In response to the widespread and disastrous wildfires on the west coast of the U.S. in September 2020, they sent a team to search for and rescue domestic animals affected by the fires, bring them to a temporary shelter, and reunite them with their families.

Read more or donate directly on the IFAW website

Special Bunny - Local Seattle Rabbit Shelter

Did you know that house rabbits can live 8 to 12 years and be smart and affectionate pets? We may be somewhat biased because our housemate, Ava Bunny (pictured above), is a Special Bunny alumn, but we think this organization is truly wonderful. They find homes for surrendered bunnies, they rescue bunnies from abusive or neglectful environments, and they provide permanent sanctuary for bunnies with special needs, who require extra care and are difficult to adopt out. They are a fabulous resource for advice on everything from first-time adoption to caring for elder buns. They are also tireless advocates for bunny welfare, constantly working to educate people on both the joys and the responsibilities of adopting rabbits. Bunnies are family members, not casual Easter gifts!

Read more or donate directly on Special Bunny's website