Nutmeg and Binky's Stuffed Animal Adoption Agency Logo

October 2024: We are taking a break to focus on some other aspects of life for a bit, and we're not accepting orders or checking email right now. We'll post an update when we're back! -N & B

Who We Are

Co-Founder, Leader of Spontaneous Adventures


Co-Founder, Leader of Spontaneous Adventures

Nutmeg's curiosity about everything has gotten her into trouble as often as it has led to exciting discoveries or creative inventions. She's an expansive dreamer, and has a bit of the absent-minded professor thing going on. Though relatively independent, she would always prefer to have her bestest pal, Binky, along on any adventure, and not only because he remembers practical things like snacks. Nutmeg hopes this current adventure will lead to happier lives for many animals - stuffed, non-stuffed, and human!

Co-Founder, Animal Resources and Bunnyfits Manager


Co-Founder, Animal Resources and Bunnyfits Manager

Binky is happiest doing what Nutmeg is doing, and though he might prefer to hang out with his best friend in front of a warm fire with a board game and mugs of hot cocoa, he can often be found participating in one of Nutmeg's wild schemes. He is not opposed to adventure, and considers it his responsibility to keep Nutmeg out of too much trouble. Starting this rescue shelter was one scheme he didn't find at all crazy.

Assistant to Nutmeg and Binky


Assistant to Nutmeg and Binky

Christy is our dedicated assistant, photographer, and Human-Plushie Liaison. She brings to her job a lifelong love of stuffed animals and all things cute and cuddly, and she does all the tasks our paws are too short to do. She hopes to inspire more humans to continue their stuffed animal friendships past childhood, knowing first-hand how rewarding a bit of fuzzy silliness can be.

Maintenance and Shiny Objects


Maintenance and Shiny Objects

Packrat is our chief problem-solver. If anything goes wrong, he's on the scene with a backpack full of useful tools and a few objects that are less than useful, but definitely shiny. He doesn't always take the most direct route to the solution, but his whiskers have never yet steered him wrong. Just don't leave your spare change lying around!




Gertrude loves to crunch numbers (and corn... and grubs...) and is absolutely devoted to balancing the chicken account and protecting the company's nest egg. She is also the queen of positive affirmation, and keeps morale up on busy days with her bright, enthusiastic smile.